Spray wash compounds are usually used at high temperatures (100-160° F) and high pressures (sometimes over 100 psi). Consequently, special care is taken in developing spray wash compounds. Spray wash compounds can be effective in removing oils and soils as well as small metal flakes.
CRW offers many excellent spray wash compounds. Choosing the right one depends on the type of material and cleanliness specification. Call CRW today to discuss your particular application.
CRW Custom Blended Formulas
LW-306 Spray Wash Compound
- Ultra Low Foaming
- Heavy-Duty Cleaning Concentrate
- Excellent for removing oily soils from steel, zinc, & aluminum
CRW-929 Spray Wash Compound
- Low Foaming
- Heavy-Duty Cleaning Concentrate
- Excellent for removing oily soils from stainless steel, & aluminum & brass
- Provides a bright and clean surface
Hammond Roto-Finish
Roto-Brite Mass Finishing Compounds for Spray Wash
- Available for ferrous and non-ferrous metals
- Packaged in 5 gallon pails, 55 gallon drums, or 330 gallon totes
Heavy duty cleaning for Steel, Copper and Stainless Steel
RTC130 – Heavy duty cleaning for Steel, Copper and Stainless
RTC-132– Similar to RTC-130 but with excellent inhibitors
RTC-148 – Heavy duty cleaner for deep drawn parts
RTC-190 – Ferrous metal corrosion inhibitor
RTC-192 – Multi-metal inhibitor
RTC-210 – Low foaming, mild detergent